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Port Richmond Savings - Your Community Bank in Philadelphia
Just a reminder that our offices will be closed on Monday, January 20th in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Thank you!
Everyday Teachable Moments
Understanding money matters are a part of everyday life and parents can start discussing financial topics with their children at any age, simply by incorporating it into everyday activities.
Here are some examples of how to turn everyday moments into opportunities for teaching about money.
When you pay bills each month, you can talk about:
- How things like electricity, water, and heat cost money.
- How a check or online payment is taking money out of your account at the bank to pay the bill.
- Keeping track of the checks you've written and the online payments you've set up in the check register so that you don't spend more than you have in your account.
When grocery shopping, you can talk about:
- The difference between a need and a want- milk is a need, candy is a want.
- Using coupons, buying in bulk, shopping sales, and other ways that you save on groceries, etc.
When using your credit card, you can talk about:
- Paying for these purchases each month when the credit card statement comes.
- How using a credit card is like taking out a small loan for each purchase, and how you need to pay it back.
- How interest works and adds up if you don't pay your credit card balance each month.
When giving children an allowance, you can talk about:
- Setting up a budget. For example, decide how much to save, spend, or share with others in need or a cause that you care about.
- Setting a financial goal, such as buying a new bike, and figuring out how to achieve it.
When depositing your paycheck, you can talk about:
- How your paycheck is deposited into your checking or savings account. If you use direct deposit, explain how this electronic method is convenient and secure.
- Budgeting some of your paycheck to pay for things like housing, food, and clothing.
- Saving a portion of each paycheck for emergencies and to build a nest egg for future expenses like college tuition and retirement.
When using an ATM or your PRS Debit Card, you can talk about:
- How the money is coming from your account at the bank.
- Recording withdrawals and debit card purchases in your check register so that you don't overdraw your account.
Remember, it's never too early to start talking about money and finances with your kids! For more financial education resources, visit our Financial Education page.